How to Cheat When You Already Know the Questions in Advance

Do you lot desire to learn how to speak English well?

Are you too looking for a shortcut to English fluency?

We don't have tricks that volition give you perfect English in v minutes a day.

But nosotros do take solid tips that will assist you learn how to speak English more than fluently, in less time.

Hither are some tips that will assist you speak English ameliorate than ever.

How to Speak English Well: 25 Simple Tips to Boggling Fluency

i. Learn What It Means to Be Fluent in English language

how to speak english fluently

You know that you desire to become fluent in English, but what does that hateful?

There are two parts to fluency: knowing the language and knowing how to produce the language.

Beingness fluent means that you tin can use the English language comfortably. You can communicate freely and you tin can take conversations with native speakers without having to constantly look for aid.

Fluency can also exist seen in how you speak. You can know plenty of English vocabulary, but if you lot have to break or repeat a lot when speaking, your fluency might not be so obvious to someone. If you lot speak very slowly or in a very flat, unemotional fashion, then you won't sound very fluent, either.

On the other hand, sounding fluent doesn't mean you actually are speaking expert English language.

To be fluent in English, you demand to master both the linguistic communication and how you speak it!

There's oftentimes an expectation that you must know a certain number of words for fluency. But it's important to remember that you lot tin can't simply written report the words and grammar. Information technology can exist scary, but you'll as well need to practice actually speaking.

The tips below will help you lot master how your speaking skills and so that you tin can speak proper English language and audio practiced doing it. Don't forget how important both features of fluency are!

2. Ready Specific Goals

Fluency is a very high level to reach and volition accept a long fourth dimension to reach, then "becoming fluent" tin can exist a pretty unclear goal. Having such a big, non-specific target won't be helpful in planning out your studies.

That'southward why you lot should call up of more physical and obvious goals that can lead you to fluency. By themselves, they may seem like small steps, just all together they'll provide a steady path in your English language learning journeying.

Good goals should be specific and achievable. When setting a goal, you should decide exactly what you want to learn, and how long yous desire to spend learning information technology.

Here are some examples of good goals:

  • Learn 30 new English words in 30 days
  • Take a conversation with a native English speaker this week
  • Learn to cohabit five irregular verbs earlier your next tutoring lesson
  • Perfect your pronunciation of 10 words over the weekend (and so ask a native speaker to tell you how you did!)

Make sure that the goals you set are reasonable and challenging plenty to continue yous motivated. Yous want to achieve your goals without over-stressing yourself!

3. Accept That English Is a Weird Language

how to speak english fluently

Sometimes, you lot can find patterns in English language grammar, but other times English doesn't brand sense at all.

For example, why are "read" (pronounced reed) and "read" (pronounced red) the same word, just said differently depending on whether you're speaking in the past or present tense? Or why is "mice" the plural of "mouse," but "houses" is the plural of "business firm"?

Unfortunately, there are many exceptions to English language rules. Information technology's easy to become stuck on learning how to speak English properly if you try to observe a reason for everything. Sometimes, English is only weird! And then the best affair to practise is just memorize the strange exceptions and move on.

4. Figure Out Your "Weak Spots"

You might find some parts of the English are peculiarly difficult for yous. These "weak spots" can be anything: grammar usage, pronunciation, sentence formation and and so on. It's of import that you find out what they are so that yous can focus on improving them.

English does have a lot of catchy features, and some tin can be even trickier depending on your native language. Pay attention to what y'all're having bug with and dedicate more than studying to information technology.

You lot want to make sure you amend in all parts of the English language language without lagging backside in any of them.

5. Dive into the Deep End

how to speak english fluently

Studying English for an hr once a week isn't commonly enough to brand whatsoever real progress. The best way to quickly better your English is to spend at least a few minutes practicing every day.

At that place'southward a special language learning method called "immersion." With immersion, you effort to surround yourself in the language every bit much every bit y'all can in your twenty-four hour period-to-24-hour interval activities. You desire English to become part of your daily schedule so that you're oftentimes learning and practicing until it becomes natural to hear and speak the language.

You tin create immersion in a lot of fun, creative ways, besides just constantly studying English from a book or a class! Y'all can switch your telephone settings to the English language. You lot can start watching and listening to English movies and songs, keep an English language diary or volunteer in a identify where English is required.

Immerse yourself in English language as much as possible every fourth dimension you study. Challenge yourself to listen to, read and even say things in English that you recall might exist besides difficult for you. If you want to speak English fluently, you demand to brand it an essential function of your everyday life.

6. Stop Being a Educatee and Start Thinking in English

Stop thinking of yourself every bit someone who is learning English, and start thinking of yourself as someone who speaks English language. It's a minor change, but it'll make you feel more than confident and assist yous to amend use the English you already know.

This too means you need to get-go thinking in English language. If you lot want to say the word "apple tree" in English language, for example, you probably think of the word in your native language beginning, and so endeavor to think of the right give-and-take in English. Instead, endeavor imagining a motion picture of an apple, and and then simply think the English word "apple."

Real fluency happens when you stop mentally translating conversations. This is the biggest step from learning English language to just being an English speaker!

seven. Recollect That the Reply Is in the Question

Listen carefully when someone asks you a question in English language and y'all'll reply perfectly every fourth dimension. English language questions are similar mirrors:

  • Does he…..? → Yes, he does.
  • Can she….? → Yes, she tin.
  • Is information technology….? → No, it isn't.

If someone asks you lot a question and yous're not sure how to answer, start past thinking about the words used in the question. The person has already said most of the words y'all need to make your answer.

Instead of merely memorizing English grammar, start to look for patterns like this one. There are a lot of simple ways to "cheat" and make it easier to remember the correct words.

8. Get More than out of Listening

how to speak english fluently

When virtually students listen to a native English speaker, they focus on understanding what all the words mean. This is definitely important, simply at that place's a lot more yous can learn from listening.

Endeavour listening non just to what the words mean, but to how the person says them. Discover which words the person links together in a sentence, or when they say "ya" instead of "yous." Endeavor to recollect these details the next fourth dimension yous speak and your English language will begin to sound more natural.

Information technology sounds piece of cake, but it can be difficult to actually practice! When you listen to native English speakers, information technology tin can exist hard to understand every single word that's spoken. They might employ many words yous don't know, talk likewise fast or take a strong accent.

how to speak english fluently

A fantastic way to practice conscientious, active listening is to beginning using FluentU.

nine. Use It or Lose It

There's an expression in English language: "Utilize it or lose it," which basically means if yous don't practice an ability, you might forget it. This thought tin can be used to help you lot recall new English language vocabulary.

The best way to remember a new word is to apply it right away and so that it stays in your retentiveness. When you lot larn a new word, try to say it in sentences a few times over the side by side calendar week and you'll exist less probable to forget it.

Sometimes, you may learn a word or phrase that might not be immediately useful to yous. It's okay to non focus on memorizing that vocabulary right away, especially if there are other more important things to learn.

10. Learn and Study Phrases

how to speak english fluently

Speaking English fluently ways existence able to express your thoughts, feelings and ideas. Your goal is to speak English language in full sentences, so why not learn it in full sentences?

Yous'll find that English is more useful in your everyday life if you study whole phrases, rather than but vocabulary and verbs. Starting time by thinking about phrases that you utilize frequently in your native linguistic communication, then learn how to say them in English.

eleven. Don't Study Grammer Besides Much

The key to learning a language is finding a balance between studying and practicing. Speaking English fluently isn't the same as knowing perfect English language grammar—even native English speakers make grammar mistakes!

Fluency is nearly being able to communicate. That'south why sometimes it'south important to put the grammar textbook away, so you can go out and practice those writing, reading, listening and speaking skills in the real earth. As you keep practicing, you can larn plenty of grammar rules along the way.

12. Learn Intonation, Trunk Linguistic communication and Gestures

True English fluency is about more than merely vocabulary and grammar. If you can figure out intonation, body linguistic communication and gestures, y'all'll really look and audio similar a native speaker.

Intonation is the "ascension and fall" or tone changes in how a person speaks. Trunk language is how a person uses their own body to support (or become against) what they mean. Gestures are paw and body movements that work together with what someone is saying.

It'southward non easy to larn these three things because they seem very natural. One manner to learn is to just watch how native English speakers communicate with each other.

One manner to study these aspects of the language is by hiring an English teacher, if that's in your upkeep. Another is watching YouTube videos, if yous tin avoid getting distracted with other videos.

13. Use What You Know Best

When you're writing and saying your own sentences, focus on using the words you're already familiar with. You may want to employ more difficult, avant-garde English language words to sound more than fluent, but y'all should stay true to your skill level and keep practicing what you lot already know.

Brand certain that y'all're "comfy" with the English you utilize, instead of just trying out new, unfamiliar words just considering you want to. Doing so can atomic number 82 you to say wrong or foreign things.

Of course, you do want to learn more and more words and skills to advance. I recommend studying a new word for a niggling while in context (in sentences and videos) earlier yous use it in real conversations.

xiv. Don't Be Afraid to Make Mistakes

Sometimes, it can be difficult to put all those rules and words together into a unproblematic sentence. Don't let the fear of saying something wrong cease y'all from speaking at all.

Even if you lot call up you're making a error, keep speaking anyway. About of the time, people will understand what yous're trying to say, fifty-fifty if yous brand a mistake.

Plus, the more you speak, the easier information technology gets, and the faster the right words will come to mind.

fifteen. Keep Notes on Your Mistakes

how to speak english fluently

Don't exist afraid to make mistakes… but too make sure that you lot understand them!

When you lot know that something went wrong in your English conversation, make a note of it (in your mind or, amend yet, on paper). In your own time, written report what exactly made yous trip upwardly. Did you use the incorrect vocabulary? Was something pronounced incorrectly? Maybe y'all were using the incorrect tense in your sentences?

Mistakes are unavoidable and necessary, merely to lower the chance of repeating the aforementioned mistakes, y'all must larn (and not run away!) from them.

16. Acquire from Everyone

You lot don't have to but learn English from textbooks and teachers—anyone who speaks English can help y'all practice.

Imagine how you'd feel if someone asked y'all, in your native linguistic communication, how to pronounce something. Would you be angry? No! Yous'd probably exist happy to help, just like most English speakers are happy to help you.

If yous know any English speakers, whether it's a friend or co-worker, take advantage of the opportunity to practice and learn from them. Brand sure to also ask any specific questions you have and exist open to feedback.

17. Utilise Speech-to-text for all (English) Text Messaging

You can practice English speaking fifty-fifty when you're texting people. Only speak your texts instead of typing them!

You may need to change your settings to enable spoken communication-to-text showtime. Then, find the "oral communication" option on whatever keyboard you're using. Oft, you but need to tap a microphone icon on the correct side of the keyboard.

Commencement speaking, and your words will appear on the screen. No one hears you talk, only you still get practise. Pretty good deal, huh?how-to-speak-english-well-fluently

But what if nigh of your communication is with friends and family in your native language? Microsoft Translator has a way around this. Check to see if your native language is included in Microsoft'southward Conversations feature—if it is, yous tin speak out loud in English language, and have your words automatically translated into text in your native language.

Your chat partner tin speak in your native language and take their words testify upwardly for you in English. This way, you get English speaking (and reading) practice while having the conversations you'd be having anyway.

18. Tape Your Own English-language Audiobooks

how to speak english fluently

When we think of practicing a language, nosotros often call up of putting ourselves in situations where we have to utilise the language. Only the truth is, a lot of confidence and fluency comes from really speaking. This technique tin can aid you exercise a lot more of that.

Think about your favorite books. Fifty-fifty if you don't accept any favorite books that were written in English, y'all tin can probably find some in English language translation. For example, the Harry Potter serial has been sold all over the world.

Take any English language-linguistic communication book that you already bask, and record yourself reading it in English. This volition take y'all a while, of course. But it's a fashion to exercise your English pronunciation every day in a way that's fun and interesting for y'all.

Once you finish recording the volume, you'll take a homemade audiobook of it to heed to, which will give yous a way to practice your listening skills, too.

19. Record What You Desire to Learn, Then Heed to It Throughout Your Day

Use the same technique described above to learn English in full general while besides practicing your speech.

For example, let's say that you'd like to get better at talking to waitstaff. Maybe yous see a FluentU post that includes examples of English conversations to have in restaurants. Instead of merely reading the post and trying to remember the examples, tape yourself reading it!

This volition give you lot multiple opportunities to remember the material: when you get-go read information technology, when you lot read information technology out loud and when yous mind to yourself reading information technology later.

20. Talk Yourself Through Everyday Activities

Think about all the things you might exercise that have a beginning, a center and an end. For case, following a recipe when cooking dinner or putting together a piece of furniture.

These processes are opportunities to improve your English speaking skills. Write out instructions for a process in English on a piece of newspaper. Make information technology as uncomplicated as possible and number your steps.

For cooking something, your instructions might start like this:

  1. Peel the garlic.
  2. Dice the garlic.
  3. Skin the onions.
  4. Slice the onions.

Once y'all take your instructions, follow them. In the meantime, say what yous're doing out loud. For case, "At present I'm cut upwards the onions. Uh oh, my eyes are starting to h2o!"

Your instructions are a kind of "cheat sheet" to help you along the mode. They'll assistance you talk continuously, without having to cease and think about what to do next.

21. Memorize Conversation Starters (and Utilize Them!)

Y'all might miss out on opportunities to exercise English speaking if you simply tin can't think of anything to say.

An easy solution to this is to memorize conversation starters, or ideas for beginning conversations. You can observe lots of these online. For case, here's a list of 250 conversation starters from Chat Starters World.

Of form, you wouldn't want to use all of these at any moment. It would probably seem weird if y'all just walked upwards to someone and said, "What iii words all-time describe you?" Just memorizing some ideas will help you feel better nigh talking to people in casual situations or to keep conversations going when talking to exchange partners.

22. Share Your Opinions Online

how to speak english fluently

To really learn English speaking, you need to acquire how to express yourself in English. Even if you accept ideas for conversations, information technology can be hard to know how to put them into your own words.

You tin can practice this by participating in conversations online. Posting on social media, leaving comments on articles or writing reviews are all good approaches.

Goodreads is a site where people leave their thoughts almost books they've read. Writing about books and movies is ever a nice manner to practice sharing your opinions in English, because they give yous a lot to remember about!

But if you don't have time to practise this, there are simpler options: Watch a short video on YouTube and leave a comment underneath information technology. Post short opinions on Twitter about anything. There are many options for practicing your English skills before you speak out loud!

23. Learn Some English Slang

While you should exist focusing on learning standard English, it can exist helpful to know English slang words and phrases so that y'all can "stay current" and understand modernistic English spoken language. Slang is ever nowadays, especially online, so you can't really avoid seeing information technology.

Knowing slang, idioms and other casual expressions tin improve real English language fluency, because they tin let y'all follow forth with the kinds of conversations that happen today.

For example, watch this FluentU video to learn some must-know American English slang.

And if you enjoyed that video, I recommend that y'all subscribe to the FluentU English Learner channel! This way, you'll see never miss more tips and learning ideas.

24. Amend Your English language Pronunciation

While in that location's no single "correct" English, if people take trouble understanding yous, it'll be hard for yous to speak confidently.

There's no magic to improving pronunciation—you just need to learn the mechanics, and so do. It'south all about how you lot move your rima oris and use your lips, tongue and pharynx. For this, you should watch native speakers while they're talking and observe non merely what they say, but how they say information technology.

Information technology's also helpful to know nigh well-known pronunciation bug. English language has a lot of pronunciation "traps" that you should watch out for. Check out this FluentU video about common mistakes English learners brand in their pronunciation.

25. Review and Test Yourself Ofttimes

Reviewing what yous acquire is but as important as, well, actually learning!

Without proper review, yous tin can easily forget a lot of previously learned fabric. This can profoundly slow you down in your path to fluency because avant-garde English constantly builds upon basic, easier concepts. That'due south why you must frequently test your skills.

You lot can review your learning in a number of different means. Y'all can brand your own vocabulary quizzes, exercise translation exercises or have quick training sessions with a speaking partner. In that location are also online resources that you can utilise for review.

You should as well call back most when to review. Maybe y'all want to review right after you terminate a new topic or after completing a whole unit of report. Or maybe you want to be extra studious and just review every time you study English language!

Your reviews and tests will help you lot come across your progress in English. Seeing how much you've improved can greatly increase your motivation to learn!

Other Resource for Learning to Speak English language Fluently

"Why English Is Piece of cake: Language Hacks That Make English Easy"

Nosotros've seen a lot of English language learning products out there, but we actually like this i. Information technology'due south not a normal English learning course. Instead, it's a whole new approach to learning English.

What makes the course great is the author, the famous polyglot Benny Lewis. He has many years of feel rapidly learning and mastering multiple languages. He shows yous the shortcuts and techniques that he'due south learned over the years.

The FluentU English language YouTube Channel

That's correct!

From the same team behind the FluentU learning program comes an equally exciting, educational and entertaining YouTube channel dedicated to English language learning.

In the video below, you'll learn 18 primal insights on speaking English language with fluency and confidence.

Plus, on the channel, you'll discover heaps of great videos exploring approaches to English learning as well every bit fun content breakdowns to help you on your path to English fluency.

Don't forget to subscribe to the channel and striking the notification bell for all the latest updates!

The English Speaking Practice app


This app lets you practice having basic conversations in English. Information technology's really simple to utilize!

But cull a subject field that you want to hear a chat most. Then, listen to the conversation. Subsequently that, you tin take a quiz to test your agreement, or use the "Tape" tab to practice speaking.

Determine which person in the conversation to speak for, and go through the dialogue talking as them. You can so save the recording and play it back.

The SayHi translation app


This is a simple voice translation app that you can apply to have bilingual conversations. Nonetheless, you can also use it as a quick style to wait up translations or to practise speaking, as long as the app has an option for your native language.

Ready the translator for a conversation betwixt English and your native language. So, endeavor speaking English language and see how your English translates. This will requite you lot an thought of how well the app understands your English speech.

Also, if y'all ever forget how to say something in English language, you tin speak your native language into the mic and come across how information technology translates into English language. This can be much faster than using a dictionary!

American superhero movies and Television receiver

Watching English-linguistic communication movies and TV, in general, is a adept fashion to become used to natural spoken language.

American superhero movies and TV series are peculiarly great for learning English because they're meant to appeal to a wide audition, sometimes including children. This means that it's usually pretty easy to figure out what'southward going on.

Another reason why superhero stories are easier to understand is that they tend to be very dramatic and emotional. Characters will frequently talk about what's happening in a very loud and obvious way.

While there'southward a lot to choose from, a practiced way to start is with some of the CW network shows that are bachelor on Netflix, similar "Supergirl," and "Black Lightning." These shows have a lot of talking in them, and focus a lot on relationships between characters. Yous tin keep up with them for multiple seasons and become used to the way different characters talk to each other, all while being entertained by exciting storylines.

The English TV YouTube Aqueduct

This YouTube channel has a bunch of videos that you can use to hear dissimilar types of English language speech and conversation. For example, this video, "Conversation Between Ii Persons in English language Speaking – Practice English Conversations Dialogues," includes over 50 minutes of multiple conversations between native English language speakers.

The audio in this video and others like it on the English Telly YouTube channel are actual recorded conversations. American English is the dialect of English mostly used in these conversations, but there are examples of British English and Australian English, every bit well.

These conversations are also spontaneous (done with a script, natural), and then this is the way that English is actually spoken by native speakers. At that place's a scrap of slang used, but these conversations will help build your listening skills so that y'all can understand English language voice communication in real life.

Loecsen Learn English


This is a complimentary online English grade with a big focus on speaking. To exercise your English language speaking, coil down to "Start a new quiz." Yous'll then be able to choose from different lists of phrases that you lot can listen to and repeat.

When you lot repeat a phrase using the microphone on your calculator, you lot get to see if the program is able to understand your oral communication. This is useful even if you already know the material in the lessons because you get a chance to speak English out loud and practise your pronunciation.

If you lot're wondering how to improve your English speaking skills, there isn't one easy respond.

Learning how to speak English fluently isn't something that happens overnight. Because of this, it's important to have tools and techniques fix for practicing every twenty-four hours.

Ultimately, if yous have activities that y'all relish and that require you to speak English, your skills will amend more and more over time.

Effort the resources and suggestions above, and pay attention to how they make you feel. Which ones help your confidence? Which ones seem to help you lot speak English over longer periods of time?

Use the methods that piece of work for you, and your speaking will come together naturally.


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