the Server May Be Unavailable Check Your Internet Connection and Try Again Mac Office 2016

If your browser can't establish a connection to the internetInternet, the Windows Troubleshooting part will occasionally respond with the bulletin, "DNS server not responding". At that place are many factors that tin can cause this notification to appear. Fortunately, this the DNS server problem can generally be correctedfixed in just a few simple steps.


  1. DNS: online name resolution
  2. DNS server is down: The best solutions at a glance
    1. Changing your web browser
    2. Deactivating the firewall (temporary)
    3. Restarting the router
    4. Selecting another DNS server
      1. Changing the DNS server via the router
      2. Change DNS server nether Windows
      3. Changing the DNS Server using PowerShell
      4. Irresolute the DNS server using the command prompt
  3. Checking the new DNS server

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DNS: online name resolution

The domain name system (DNS) is a directory service used for transforming alphanumeric domain names into numeric IP addresses. A decentralized process, proper noun resolution generally takes place on DNS servers' networks distributed throughout the globe. Every Net address yous enter into your web browser'south search bar is and then forwarded by your router to a DNS server. This server and so dissolves the domain proper name into a numeric sequence and returns a corresponding IP address. Should the DNS server neglect to produce an answer considering it's down, then it won't be possible to access the desired website; the result is the error message "DNS server not responding".

DNS server is down: The best solutions at a glance

The root of such irritating messages can often be traced back to the server outage. In such cases, the DNS server is temporarily unavailable. Virtually of the time, these problems can be corrected by changing browsers, or switching a few of your firewall settings. Restarting the router or irresolute the DNS server tin can also solve the problem.

Irresolute your web browser

To ensure the connection problem isn't existence caused by your web browser, behave out a test by attempting to visit the desired web page with culling applications. Spider web browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Border, and Apple tree Safari are some of the most conventional options. If you can solve the trouble simply by switching browsers, then bank check your preferred application's settings and brand sure yous're using the latest version of it. Certain circumstances may crave uninstalling the plan and reinstalling it once more.

Deactivating the firewall (temporary)

In case you lot aren't able to achieve your desired results just past changing browsers, then the next step is to rule out Windows Firewall every bit the possible culprit. Pull up the control panel and temporarily conciliate the firewall. If you lot're now able to access the desired website, then it looks like y'all've identified the Firewall as the source to the problem. Next, check its configuration. Should the mistake persist even afterward deactivating the firewall, and so the DNS server may withal prove to be the crusade of the problem.

Restarting the router

Connectedness problems can often exist solved by restarting the server. Near devices include a ability push specifically for this purpose. Should this fail to yield whatsoever results, then information technology looks like a hard reboot may exist in store; this is done simply past pulling out the power plug. Wait around thirty seconds until all of the electric components have completely powered downwards before starting up the device once more. Should you receive the error bulletin "DNS server non responding" after having completed the first two steps, then the only pick remaining is to choose an alternative DNS server.

Selecting another DNS server

If you have ruled out common causes of error such equally the router software crashes or conflicts with Windows Firewall, and then changing your DNS server could be the solution.

Typically, the Internet provider usually assigns the DNS server address. A few clicks is all information technology takes to replace the DNS server with your desired server.

Using a public DNS server is likewise anoption; just look on specific DNS server lists. Google operates a fast, complimentary, and very reliable public DNS server. How to set upward these DNS servers via the router settings or under Windows ten and Windows 11 is explained in the step-by-footstep instructions below.

Changing the DNS server via the router

If you lot desire to modify the DNS server via your router's settings, showtime open your browser and access your router as follows:

  1. Open the command line in Windows by using the key combination Windows fundamental + [R] and typing "cmd".
  2. At present enter "ipconfig" into the open tab and copy the numbers afterward "Default gateway" onto the clipboard.
  3. Now copy simply the number into your browser's address field, confirm information technology, and log in with your relevant admission data.
  4. Log into web interface of your router.
  5. Expect for the "Access data". This is typically constitute in the "Net" bill of fare.
  6. Select the private DNSv4 server and type in the addresses (primary and secondary) of your preferred choice. When information technology comes to Google servers, for example, these are 8.eight.viii.8 and eight.8.4.4.


If Net Protocol Version vi (IPv6) is used instead of the Internet Protocol Version iv (IPv4), so the IPv6 addresses of the DNS server must likewise be exchanged. The public DNSv6 addresses of the Google servers are:

- 2001:4860:4860::8888

- 2001:4860:4860::8844

Modify DNS server under Windows

Step 1: Bear witness network connections

Utilize the search role to search for "Network connections". Click the result "View network computers and devices" with the left mouse push button to open the card.

Stride 2: Select the network adapter in use

In the 2d step, you now need to select the Internet adapter you are using. If you have a wireless connection, select the WLAN adapter (Wireless Network Connection). If you are connecting to the Internet via cable, the LAN adapter is the right choice (LAN connectedness/Ethernet). Once y'all have identified the right network adapter, right-click on information technology and select the "Backdrop" carte du jour item.

Footstep iii: Select Internet protocol

Now it is fourth dimension to select the Internet protocol in use. You can choose between the Cyberspace Protocol version 4 and the Internet Protocol version 6. Offset with the DNS server settings for version iv by selecting it and and then clicking the "Properties" button.

Step 4: Change DNS server accost

Click on "Use the post-obit DNS server addresses" and enter the accost of the alternative DNS server there. For instance, if you want to use Google's DNS server, enter 8.eight.8.8 for "Preferred DNS server" and for "Alternate DNS server".

Click the "OK" push button to ostend the DNS server modify.


If Internet Protocol version iv (IPv4) is used instead of Cyberspace Protocol version 6 (IPv6), select version 6 in the third step and set the corresponding IPv6 addresses. For case, for Google servers, these would be 2001:4860:4860::8888 and 2001:4860:4860::8844.

Irresolute the DNS Server using PowerShell

You lot tin besides use Windows PowerShell to modify the DNS server. This method is more suitable for experienced users. With just a unmarried command, you lot tin modify the DNS server without having to click through all the Windows menus if, for example, the currently entered DNS server is not responding.

Click on the Windows icon on the task bar, search "PowerShell", right-click "Windows PowerShell", and then choose "Run as administrator" from the menu.

Now you tin can determine the proper name (alias) of the adapter (i.e. the network cable), which should connect you to the Net. To exercise this, enter the following command into PowerShell:

              Get-NetAdapter|select ifDesc, ifAlias, ifIndex, MediaType | fl            
Setting the adapter via PowerShell
Setting the adapter via PowerShell.

In the example, the name of the adapter is "Ethernet". Use the following command to change the DNS server addresses:

              Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceAlias "Ethernet" -ServerAddresses "8.eight.8.viii","8.eight.4.4"            

Instead of "Ethernet" insert the previously determined interface name (if different).


The DNS server addresses, and 8.eight.4.4, are the addresses of Google'south public DNS servers. If another public DNS server is used, both addresses need to be changed appropriately in order to comply.

Changing the DNS server using the control prompt

Changing the DNS server via the command prompt is also aimed more than at users with some experience in Windows administration.

Showtime open up the command prompt every bit an administrator by entering "cmd" in the search function, correct-clicking the appropriate search consequence and clicking "Run as administrator".

Next, decide the interface name too. This is done with the command:

              netsh interface bear witness interface            

At present y'all can configure primary and secondary DNS servers with the following commands:

              netsh interface ip add dns proper noun="Ethernet" addr=8.eight.8.8 index=ane netsh interface ip add dns name="Ethernet" addr=8.eight.4.4 index=2            
Changing DNS server via input prompt
Changing DNS server via input prompt.


The name in the quotes must friction match the previously set interface proper name!

Checking the new DNS server

Y'all can find out whether changing DNS server has solved the problem by carrying out a unproblematic test. Enter the URL of a well-known site in your browser due east.g. If the site tin can be accessed, it means the DNS server is functioning properly.

If the site can't be accessed, you tin enter the following IP address into your browser: This is one of Google'south IP addresses. If Google doesn't appear later on inbound the accost, it probably ways in that location'southward a full general Cyberspace problem rather than a problem with the DNS server.

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